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First, create an account. It’s free and easy to do.
It will only take a minute, and you need to have an account in order to upload any ads. Having an account allows you to submit an ad to any publication
listed on Ads4Elsevier and gives you access to a detailed history of all your ad transactions.
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After creating an account, simply select from the menu options and let the site help you complete your goal.
What can you do on Ads4Elsevier?
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You can "Submit a New Ad", "Resubmit a New Ad", or "Pickup Ad". You will be prompted to provide some basic information so that we know where to send your ad file.
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An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you letting you know if your ad has "Passed" or "Failed" preflight. For a complete list of preflight results go to
Explanation of Preflight Status.
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Once the ad passes preflight, and is approved to run, it will be routed to the journal you selected and your ad is good to go. It's that simple.
What format do we accept?
PDF or PDF/X-1a compliant files, saved as PDF version 1.3. Transparencies within the supplied PDF(s) will receive a preflight
Warning. Be sure to take a moment to review the preflight Warning, and approve to run as indicated, or, correct the Warning
yourself and resubmit. Transparent elements contained in your file(s) must be converted within the native layout application
or flattened in Acrobat using the High Resolution Flattener Presets to avoid overprint issues.
Why PDF Header version 1.3?
Saving your PDF to Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) compatibility will ensure transparent elements are flattened. If the ad contains spot
colors that are not converted to process colors (CMYK) before flattening, overprint and/or trap issues may occur.
Note: Files that contain transparencies, left unaddressed will be automatically flattened before printing.
Ads4Elsevier accepts up to six color ads. Color is expressed as CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black), throughout the ad
portal and when appropriate the PMS #(s) selected to run, is indicated as well.
For step-by-step instructions on how to create a compliant PDF go to
PDF Creation Help.